Ocean Animals

Ocean animals are any animal that
lives in a body of saltwater like a sea
or ocean. Some animals are dying
due to fisherman and oil spills.

Vaquita in English means little cow, and is the worlds rarest
mammal. These creatures have suffered a lot, and there only
ten left in the world. Because of illegal fishing, the numbers
keep dropping, and they were only discovered in 1958.
They live in shallow waters.

Sea Turtles have delt with a lot and are acually quite old.
There has been complications with human interaction, and so over the
last 200 years they have been slowly decreasing. Their habitats are
in danger because of fishing nets getting stuck on them.

The Whale Shark is the largest of all of the sharks, and is the
largest fish to roam the water as of current times. They are
decorated with white spots all unique like our fingerprints,
therfore being distinguisable from one-another. They can dive to
depths as deep as 1000m. The Whale Shark is protected from fishing
in most areas, but some places still allow it.